Remote Staffing Service

Remote Staffing Service

Hiring remote or contract staff is one of the smartest ways to build your own team and gain a competitive advantage. We have been the leading staffing service provider for more than a decade, with a team of dedicated account managers and HR professionals who will assist you in securing the best-qualified individuals.

Our Remote Staffing or Virtual Staffing service is a unique solution for all kinds of problems associated with human resources. It is a flexible, cost-effective, and non-binding arrangement. We assure you of providing the best talent to cater to your needs, be it IT Desktop Support, Web/App Developer, Information Security Analyst, Business Analyst, Data Analyst, Virtual Assistant, Legal Assistant, Market Researcher, Social Media Expert or Engineering & Graphic Designers. Our service provides the best global talent to your organization without any recruitment costs or legal bindings.

Benefits of Our Staffing Services


Service Cost Model

Our cost model for the Remote staffing is very clear and Inexpensive. We charge monthly fix amount towards the hiring, logistic and legal cost. The actual salary will be on hand to the resource. You can get direct connect with the resource working for you. Our charges are very budget friendly.

How We Work

Our specialized recruitment team will understand exact need, skills and your budget for the proposed remote resource. In a stipulated time, they provide you the pool of shortlisted candidates to match with your requirement. You will arrange the final round of interview and wages negotiation from your end. Our dedicated account manager will assist the selected resource to be onboard for your service .

What Client Gets

You will get two major benefits out of the remote staffing services. It is access to the global talent pool with the great flexibility of scale up or down based on your need. You will get the right talent to match up with the need. It will increase yourr competitiveness. Our service includes the recruitment process free of cost. There is no legal binding on service. It is just pay what you get, there is no hidden cost.